"...to carry away memories brought for the forgetting
on one thousand one auspicious origami birds
whispering over chilled salmon, ripe fruit
suggesting the fertility of the afternoon."
from the poem, "One thousand one wedding cranes" 1998
Do I still have a voice?
I got embarrassingly cocky lately
beginning to think i knew something
about poetry,
about writing poetry
even about reading poetry
it was as tho i was
becoming an inside stream
of understanding, giving advise
suggesting, …it might work better this way,
acting the tailor of lines and metaphors
maybe even reaching into the whirlpool
of ideas about style and form.
Beware, when you begin to suppose you know
- it probably applies to any soda fountain of opinions -
and you get brave enough to wade
in above your pants bottoms you’re
already in over your head,
altho i don’t think you will believe me
and just think I’m trying to be a master.
I have had to get past the high water mark
where I was already drowning in my
own swirling mass of ideas, thoughts
and memories running down my bare back
in the walk in shower that has rough tape
on the floor so I don’t slip in the wet
© Sharon Lopez Mooney, “Do I still have a voice?”, in The Avalon Literary Review, Spring Edition ed. Valerie Rubino, Orlando, Florida 2023